Layer 2 4 U | Blog
January 11, 2023
8 min read

New Year, New Market

New Year, New Market

Happy New Year!

First, I wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year! I hope that you got to relax, spend time with your family and reflect on the year that passed and the one ahead of us right now.

I’m excited for the new year and what it means for Bitcoin and our broader macroeconomic situation. If you have seen the Bitcoin price lately, it looks like the Bitcoin winter is starting to thaw slightly. The price jumped from 14k to 18.2k at the time of this article.

While it’s excellent to see the price finally start to turn around, I’m actually kind of sad to see the winter go so fast! I don’t know about you, but I loved Bitcoin being priced at 14k, it was an absolute steal at that price, but barring any other fiascos, I think the price goes nothing but up from here. If you want cheap Bitcoin, now is the time to buy because you are about to miss the boat, my friend.

Bitcoin is poised to rocket right now; it is on the launchpad doing its final checks before blasting off. I don’t know what the high will be this year, but I can tell you it will be higher than 14k!

When you combine the latest CPI print of 6.5 percent, the odds of a softish landing engineered by the Federal Reserve might happen. We have a ways to go, but everything is trending in the right direction.

We can expect the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates by another .25 to.50 percent shortly, bringing the Federal Funds rate closer to 5 percent. This will make borrowing even more expensive than it is now.

If you are in the market to buy a house, you will want to hold off doing that if you can. Right now, the interest rate on a 30-year mortgage is an eye-watering 6.46 percent. Even if you went with a 15 loan, you are looking at 5.85 percent before the Fed raises rates again.

Is The Federal Reserve Trying To KILL The Economy?

Wage growth seems to be slowing down, which will help reign in inflation. In December 2022, wages grew by .09 cents to $32.82. This represents a 53 percent decline in wage growth from December 2021.

The basic thesis the Federal Reserve is operating under is to strangle the economy just enough that people lose their jobs but not enough to kill it completely. How sick is that, if I am being honest? Why should an unelected group of people have this much control over the economy?

This isn’t normal, and we shouldn’t act like it is. We have a moral imperative to call out this mess whenever we can and to those who will listen. Educating others about what is going on is vital to breaking our chains of financial and political bondage.

Bitcoin is the only way out of this, and I am dedicating this year to onboarding as many people to Bitcoin as humanly possible. Are you with me? LFG!

I will also be launching a weekly or monthly newsletter this year, so subscribe today to get my latest post! 2023 is going to be great! Take care, and God bless!

Value 4 Value

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