Layer 2 4 U | Blog
December 05, 2022
8 min read

You Can't Unsee Bitcoin

You Can't Unsee Bitcoin

The Government Wants You Distracted

The world is in tremendous trouble right now. War, rumors of war, and currency debasement are the world's major issues. The odd thing about our current situation is that the vast majority of people around the globe, especially in wealthy places such as the United States and Western Europe, have a shortage of people not speaking about these pressing issues. Why is that?

If you turn on your TV, you will understand why. What will you most likely see? Educated discussions about society's problems or some mind-numbing reality show about things or people that don't matter? If you guessed the second option, you are correct.

According to a recent survey, twenty-eight percent of Americans watch 2-4 hours of TV a day. If we take the maximum as a guide, that is 28 hours of TV a week, 112 hours a month, or 1,344 hours a year of nothing but entertainment being shown to the average TV watcher.

The time in front of the TV takes away precious hours that could be used to learn a valuable skill or trade, start a business, work out, read a book or teach your children your values. TV has been an effective source of government propaganda for a long time.

If you are unsure what I am talking about, research Project Mockingbird. This was a CIA-run program used to manipulate American news media to spread propaganda. This program was never ended; it simply stopped being talked about.

Or how about this gem? In 2013, congress repealed the Smith-Mundt Act, which stopped the distribution of propaganda inside the United States. The repeal gave the green light for government-sponsored entities such as Voice of America the ability to broadcast views that advance US interests inside America.

Now, when you put this in the context of our national debt, which is to say that we are not being lied to by the government to advance the interest of the government?

It is in the government's best interest for its citizens to be ignorant of the effects the national debt will have on government finances.

It is in the government's best interest to keep people in the dark about how badly social security and medicare are horribly underfunded and unaffordable.

It is in the government's best interest to hide the relationship between the federal government and the federal reserve.

It is in the government's best interest to keep its citizens addicted to TV and fast food. It's the old Roman playbook of bread and circuses.

Juvenal, a renowned Roman poet, once famously said, " Give them bread and circuses, and they will never revolt."

The TV is a never-ending parade of circuses on a screen; we even have them in our pockets now. When you add in the obesity epidemic and all the chemicals in our food, the ordinary citizen doesn't stand a chance, do they?

How does the average citizen free themselves from this mental slavery system?

It starts by meeting and interacting with people who have succeeded in freeing themselves from the propaganda and have the ability to think for themselves again.

The best place to find these kinds of individuals is in the Bitcoin community. The people you meet in this community are unlike others you may know. Bitcoiners all share the same ethos of verify, don't trust. They use this lens to view the world and shine a light on the BS in the media.

Bitcoin Exposes The Life Of Fiat Currency

Once you meet a few people who are into Bitcoin, you may become a little curious about the leaderless technology that has inspired millions of people around the world to change their occupations, rediscover religion, eat better, and generally just become better people.

When you study Bitcoin for a while, you start to understand how the world is currently constructed and that everything schools taught you about economics and money is a flat-out lie.

You start to understand that governments around the world want inflation because it lowers the purchasing power of your earnings; it hides the fact they borrowed too much money and funneled it to their cronies. It keeps people lower on the socioeconomic ladder and dependent on the government.

People dependent on the government do not vote out politicians giving them "free money." This free money further entrenches corruption in government, and the cycle continues.

Bitcoin is the grenade that blows this all up, which is why the powers that be fear Bitcoin. They know that if enough people learn about Bitcoin, it's game over for the rich and powerful. Don't believe me? Look at how "mainstream media" has responded to El Salvador making Bitcoin legal tender. The headlines are telling:





As you can see, the media are ready to pounce on any bad news about Bitcoin to declare it dead and of no use to anyone. This is a lie, but the media will highlight these stories to scare people away from Bitcoin. You have to understand that this is what they want. They are trying to manipulate you and keep you on their fiat plantation. You deserve better. Bitcoin is key to our freedom.

Bitcoin works and has worked for the last 14 years without issue. Do you think if Bitcoin were going to fail, it would have done so already? Maybe just maybe, these Bitcoiners are on to something... I urge anyone that reads this to take the time to learn about Bitcoin. You don't have to do it all in one day.

Pick up a book. Listen to a podcast. Go to a Bitcoin meetup. Watch a youtube video. Learn how to secure Bitcoin. One. Day. At. A. Time. It's not a race. Once you SEE Bitcoin for what it is, you can unsee it. Take care, and God Bless.

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