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October 18, 2022
8 min read

Curious About Bitcoin? Take The First Step

 Curious About Bitcoin? Take The First Step

Curious About Bitcoin?

If you have been in the grocery store as of late, you may have noticed that the everyday items you purchase have increased in price significantly. The ravages of inflation are upon us with no end in sight. Once costs rise, the likelihood of them ever going back down is slim to none.

This means a permanent loss of purchasing power for you and me. Instead of being able to buy a gallon of milk, you are now only able to afford half a gallon. This is what inflation does to your bank account.

Inflation is why you are forced to invest your money in the stock market. If you keep your money in a savings account for 5-10 years, you will lose money despite not spending it. This is the insidious system we live under right now, yet everyone thinks this is normal or morally ok.

You worked hard for your money; what right does the government have to strip you of wealth from you without your consent? This is as un-American as it gets. The founders of this country are rolling in their graves and would be in open rebellion if they were alive today.

What happened to this rebellious spirit the founders imbued into this country with their blood and treasure? Why are we passive in the face of this economic tyranny, especially when we have a way out of this mess?

Bitcoin Is Freedom Money

Bitcoin was created in 2009 to fight against this economic tyranny through peaceful means. Bitcoin is entirely different from the credit-based monetary system we live under today. Under our current system, a small group of elites controls the money supply for 330 million Americans and the entire globe. The dollar is the world reserve currency, so any action the Federal Reserve takes on monetary policy will have global implications.

You can see this in action as we speak. Take a look at what is happening in the UK, for instance. Interest rates on government bonds in the UK are going through the roof and impact pensions and the government's ability to borrow at affordable rates. They have a high debt burden like the US, so any rise in interest rates spells big trouble.

They are having problems because the Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates aggressively. How does such a small group have this much control over the world?

If you switched to Bitcoin, you would have to worry about what the Federal Reserve is doing because they don't control it. Bitcoin monetary policy is set in stone from day one. There will only be 21 million bitcoin, and its issuance DECREASES every year until 2140.

In layman's terms, your purchasing power will go up over time as the number of Bitcoin created becomes less and less. On a Bitcoin standard, when you go to the grocery store, instead of not being able to buy a gallon of milk, you will be able to buy 10 gallons of milk, steak, and whatever else you want! Your purchase power increases on a Bitcoin standard.

You can make this a reality by learning about Bitcoin and sharing the message with others. Bitcoin is a peaceful revolution of the mind. You have the power to shape this world. Every interaction you have has an impact on others. Here are a few resources you can refer to gain a deeper understanding of Bitcoin.

Learn while your earn Bitcoin!

How To Buy Bitcoin



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The Sovereign Individual

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The 7th Property

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Bitcoin Magainze Youtube Channel

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