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February 27, 2023
8 min read

The Dark Road To Bitcoin Adoption

The Dark Road To Bitcoin Adoption

What Could Bitcoin Adoption Look Like?

Bitcoin adoption in 2023 is still relatively small compared to the legacy fiat system that we are currently living under. If the great financial crisis of 2008, the Covid-19 pandemic and the prospect of World War III on the horizon have not encouraged people around the world to adopt Bitcoin, what is it going to take to get widespread adoption? People seem to have an endless capacity to put up with horrible financial conditions for various reasons that are too numerous to count. I fear the road to Bitcoin adoption could be a long and arduous one. Buckle up while I take you on a trip into the not-too-distant future.

Let’s start by painting a picture of what the world looks like 17 years from now. The year is 2040, and governments worldwide are teetering on the edge of complete societal collapse after spending the last 17 years trying to stave off the ravages of rampant inflation and unsustainable debt levels due to unsustainable debt levels and entitlements programs that the working-age population can no longer support.

Politicians and central banks turned to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) as a supposed panacea to their problems, but these ended up worsening the situation. The adoption of CBDCs accelerated the demise of governments worldwide as politicians and the central banks who backed them increased spending as the temptation to program money for political purposes became too great for them to resist.

With CBDCs, political parties could punish their rivals by hampering access to their funds or cutting off access entirely based on frivolous charges. Think of it as the Canadian trucker protest of 2022 on steroids.

CBDCs have rendered politics and voting utterly useless to most citizens, leaving only the most committed partisans on both sides to vote for their party in power and reap whatever largesse their party can give them. The rest of the electorate is tired, beaten down, politically apathetic, and finding it hard to feed their families.

Working 3-4 jobs to make ends meet is not uncommon for most upper to middle-class folks. Citizens in the lower income brackets have been made utterly destitute by inflation and can no longer afford staples such as eggs or bread.

Many have turned to forage in the wild for insects and other non-desirable critters. Other lines up in government-sponsored aid facilities to receive their weekly ration of ground cricket patties and bug milk. Not exactly fine dining, but it’s the best governments can do with runaway inflation.

This meager subsistence living fuels discontent among the masses and spawns frequent protests about the country's conditions. These protests often become riots that must be put down with increasingly brutal tactics.

The people are fed up and are demanding radical change to the monetary system. People know about a few countries that adopted Bitcoin as a legal tender before inflation engulfed the planet.

They’ve known about places like El Salvador that adopted Bitcoin when governments worldwide thought they were crazy for doing so. Many early Bitcoin adopters left the oppressive financial system of credit-backed money. They moved to El Salvador, Madeira, Lugano, and other Bitcoin-friendly territories to build a better future for their families using Bitcoin, the hardest money ever created.

The people left behind only know about these places through word of mouth through family and friends or broadcasts on ham radio. In 2040

The media is heavily censored, and everything has to be approved by the state.

Citizens in possession of illegal contraband, such as a pocket-sized version of the Constitution of the United States, The Bitcoin Whitepaper, or the Bitcoin Standard, will have their CBDC credits docked from the accounts of the family and extended family. Family members are suspicious of each other and report the actions of their family to the local enforcer.

Despite this soul-crushing existence, the average man yearns to be free from the yoke of dictatorship.

The Orange Bitcoin Phoenix Rises

Repeated attempts to outlaw Bitcoin have failed. Governments have not succeeded in disrupting the Bitcoin network and have largely given up trying to do so. In fact, since 2023, the network has only grown more extensive and robust.

Millions of nodes around the world are still operational and distributed globally around the world in every jurisdiction. There are bounties out for node runners, but very few are turned in because there is support among the people to protect the people risking their life and freedom to keep the Bitcoin network operational.

Thriving local black markets exist where goods and services can be bought with Bitcoin. Governments are aware of this black market but are powerless to stop it and consider the users of Bitcoin to be peasants, rebels, terrorists, and other undesirables. Little do they know the orange coin will seal their fate and usher in a new sound money-based era.

The catalyst for the collapse of the dollar and all other fiat currencies globally doesn’t happen simultaneously. Bitcoin adoption happens city by city, county by county, state by state, and country by country. The people finally grew tired of living like slaves and having their every transaction tracked, analyzed, and stored for governments to control them.

One by one, people silently opt out of the CBDC system of control until governments can no longer sustain themselves with tax revenues and deficit spending.

The road to Bitcoin adoption could take a wrong turn and take decades to achieve. Stay optimistic but plan for the future.

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